Monday, November 10, 2008


As I was putting her to bed tonight, she told me, "Tomorrow I will be putting on a singing show in my bedroom and you are invited. My bed will be the stage and we can set up chairs -- I might need some from your class-- and we can give people tickets. If you want, you can play Kody's gintar (aka guitar)." I have no idea where she gets these ideas... but it reminds me of my carefree days making up dances in my neighbor's yard or carefully lining up all my dolls to watch me put on a show...

Ashley is always saying that she thinks grown ups have all the fun (after all, we get to stay up late and go to bed whenever we want). It's times like these that part of me thinks kids have all the fun... no stress, no worries other than what she will wear for her performance and what she should write on the tickets...

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